Sweet Pickled Pepper dishes

Hello dear readers.  Sorry to have been neglecting you all week.
I’ve been quite poorly again and not had the energy to do very much.
So, this is just a very quick post to show you some of the easy peasy dishes I’ve made with the Sweet Pickled Peppers I made a little while ago…

Hot smoked salmon salad
Hot smoked salmon salad


goats cheese & pepper omelette
Goats cheese omelette with pickled peppers


quick bruschetta
Quick bruschetta


burger & chips
Pickled peppers as topping on burgers with chips


peppery cheese on toast
Peppery cheese-on-toast


I love how these peppers give an instant extra dimension to the simplest of dishes,
adding sweet and sour notes.
What pickles do you like & how do you eat them?

