Hello dear reader,
Doctor Who week now comes to a close at Vohn’s Vittles. Bakes have been baked, new recipes created, crazy inventions dreamed up and fun, fun, fun had all week.
Special mention must be given to the 9th doctor, Christopher Eccleston, who brought Doctor Who back to us old fans and engaged a whole new generation of Whovians.
Some of you were sad, shocked, disappointed that the 9th doctor didn’t get his own biscuit in my first Doctor Who blog post Eleven Doctors, Eleven biscuits. As I said, his outfit was far too boring to warrant it, with none of The Doctor’s wonderful and quirky dress sense.
However what the 9th doctor wore best out of all the doctors was that smile…
That smile has been on my face all this week as I have delved into Whovian obsession via the medium of food. That smile that ranges from happy to joyful to crazy manic!…



Here are links to my Doctor Who series…
Eleven Doctors, eleven biscuits
I hope you have enjoyed my week of Whovian indulgence. As the 9th doctor would say, I found it…
[…] amazing Doctor Who themed goodies – You can check out Vohn’s Doctor Who themed foods here. I wish I knew more Whovians living nearby to share this enthusiasm with… but for now […]
Wow! I’m directing my Dr Who mad friend to this!!!
Hehe – great stuff Kate – let me know what they think! x
What a great way to show your love of Dr Who!
Thanks Caroline. It was such fun! Vohn x
Hehe I have some friends who are total Doctor Who addicts! I’ll have to show them these! 😀
Thanks Lorraine. Let me know what your friends think of them all! Vohn x
Thanks Vohn, you’ve also put a bug smile on my face this week with your Who-inspired treats! Thanks!
So glad to hear it, thanks! It’s such a nice feeling to brighten someone’s week! Vohn x