The tardis is crashing!
It’s on fire!
Hurtling over London!
Narrowly misses Big Ben!
Hurtles on and finally hits Earth!
Into the back garden of a little Scottish girl, one Amelia Pond.
The Doctor has just regenerated and his eleventh incarnation doesn’t quite know himself yet – “still cooking” as he puts it.
As The Doctor climbs out of the tardis, soaking wet from the swimming pool that fell into the library, his first words to Amelia are…
“Can I have an apple?…I love apples”.
… Amelia gives him the requested apple, which is…
…promptly spit out “That’s disgusting! What is that?…Apples rubbish. I hate apples!”
“I like yoghurt. Yoghurt’s my favourite. Give me yoghurt”.
Amelia obliges, the doctor drinks it back and…
…spits it across the kitchen “I hate yoghurt! It’s just stuff with bits in”.
“You’re Scottish. Fry something!”… “Mmm bacon”……
…”Yeuch bacon! That’s bacon. Are you trying to poison me?”
“Ahh beans”….
…into the sink… “Beans are evil! Bad, bad beans!”
“Bread and butter. Now you’re talking”…
…Flung out the front door “And stay out!”
“Carrots! Are you insane?!”
“I know what I need. I need, I need. I need…fish fingers…and custard”
…and so a new dish (not to mention fan-craze) is started!

I love this scene, so reminiscent of Tigger’s search for breakfast in A.A. Milne’s House at Pooh Corner.
So, like many other Whovians, I wanted to eat “Fish Fingers and Custard” or “Fish Custard” as the doctor coins it. I kept thinking about it and it kept never happening. It was just one culinary step too far. Then I had a lightbulb moment – who says custard has to be sweet? There are savoury custards!
So, here is my recipe. It is, quite simply, delicious – even if I do say so myself! It has become a firm favourite lunch time treat when I need a little Whovian joy in my day!
Fish Fingers and Custard
Serves 4
- Fish fingers (I usually have three per person but have as many as you want)
You could make your own fish fingers but I find they tend to disintegrate in the custard – store bought is good for dipping!
I prefer fish fingers coated in crispy batter but go for breadcrumb-coated if that’s what you like. - 2 egg yolks
- 1 tsp English mustard powder (you may want to add a little less if cooking for kids, or substitute with salt and pepper)
- 150ml (5 fl oz) milk
- 150ml (5 fl oz) cream
- ½tsp cornflour
- 75g (3 oz) hard cheese, grated (I prefer a mature cheddar)
1) Put fish fingers on to cook using your preferred method. I prefer them baked in the oven.
2) Whisk egg yolks, mustard and cornflour together in a large bowl.
3) Heat milk & cream together in a saucepan over a low-medium heat.
4) Slowly pour the hot milk-cream into the beaten egg yolks, whisking all the time.
5) Return to the pan and cook over a low-medium heat, stirring constantly until thickened.
6) Once thickened, add the cheese and keep stirring until the cheese is melted and the custard has thickened again.
Serve the custard in a bowl, with the fish fingers on the side for dipping.
Serve this up to your friends and family for watching the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special this Saturday and they will be amazed and delighted!
P.S. If you liked this, here are the links to my entire series in homage to Doctor Who…
Eleven Doctors, eleven biscuits
What an interesting idea!! Very inventive!!
Thanks Jacqui! It’s worth trying! x
This is a new one on me but I can see how it would work.
Thanks for popping by Sam. Give it a go – it’s so good! Vohn x
LOVE it… genius work Vohn x
Hehe – thanks Dom! Your comments always make me smile! Vohn x
Great minds Vohn, great minds! I love your dip though.
Thanks Emma! I knew it was inevitable we would both post Fish Custard this week! Amazing we chose the same day! Vohn x
And actually I WILL make this one– my children will be delighted!
Great stuff Annie! They’ll love it! Vohn x