Ood brain - night

Doctor Who – Ood brain cocktail glass D.I.Y.

Hello dear reader,

Are you getting excited about the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special?  It is being shown across most of planet Earth tonight, Saturday 23rd November 2013 at 7.50pm GMT.

This is a departure from my usual foodie posts – a little D.I.Y. craft to make your very own Ood “brain” drinking glass.

Ood brain - lit

The Ood are a peaceful race, with a hive mind, who communicate with each other telepathically.  They have two brains – a forebrain in their heads and a hindbrain which they hold in their hands and which is connected to their faces by an umbilical-type-cord.  The hindbrain processes emotions and they use it to sing to each other.

Ood elder
photo sourced from tardis.wikia.com


Ood hindbrain
photo sourced from tardis.wikia.com


In the future Ood are used by humans as servants to perform menial tasks and treated like slaves.  A human corporation, Ood Operations, breed and sell Ood for this specific purpose and we see several of the Doctor’s companions appalled at how humans are treating Oodkind.

To allow verbal communication, Ood Operations severed the Ood hindbrain and replaced it with a translator orb.

Ood translators
photo sourced from tardis.wikia.com

Poetic justice was achieved when the head of Ood Operations was given Ood draft and he himself was transformed into an Ood.  The Doctor then restores the Ood’s telepathic field and their song is now heard throughout the universe, due to their translator orbs.  Human’s hearing the song, realised the Ood were not the subservient slaves they had been led to believe, and set them free to live in peace.


If you want to make your own Ood “brain” (translator) drinking glass, you will need…

Ood brain - baubles


Ood brain - tools needed


Ood brain - protection


Ood brain - tubing



This is how to make one…


Ood brain - burn hole


Ood brain - burnt hole


Ood brain - wire wool


Ood brain - prepped


Ood brain - straw


Ood brain - blu tac


Ood brain - candle


Ood brain cocktail


Ood brain - lit


Ood brain - on bowl


Ood brain - night





P.S.  If you liked this, please press the “follow via email” button below and you will get all my new ideas & recipes straight to your inbox.  Easy!


P.P.S.  This is what Paul, the DIY guy from Geek and Sundry had to say about my Ood glasses…

“That is super neat! Functional, crafty, and super nerdy! It’s got it all :)”

Thanks Paul!  I am so chuffed that a crafter of your calibre likes my first nerdcrafting attempt!
Check out Paul’s own YouTube channel here!


By the way, if you liked this, here are the links to my entire series in homage to Doctor Who…

Eleven Doctors, eleven biscuits

Fish fingers and Custard

Dalek Cake – the birth

Cassandra cookies

The 4th doctors iconic scarf

Ood brain cocktail glass

Dalek cake

The Day of The Doctor

What the 9th Doctor wore best




One comment

  1. […] start with a bit of DIY, courtesy of Vohn’s Vittles. Any Whovian who would like to serve cocktails with aplomb needs to roll up his sleeves and make […]

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